Life Tech

181 Media explores, experiments,
validate and develop different technologies that help people and
communities to maximize their human experience.


As we become more urbanised, digitised and individualistic there are social
consequences where people feel less fulfilled, connected and
resticted to live their lives fully.

Life Maximisation Technology

One of our main goals for 181 Media is to help the development and maximisation of quality of life for individuals across the world. We collaborate with a number of specialist to test different hypothesis on how me can make life better and for people. These include a series of apps and devices that is currently under design and testing phase.

One of our main goals for 181 Media is to help the development and maximisation of quality of life for individuals across the world. We collaborate with a number of specialist to test different hypothesis on how me can make life better and for people. These include a series of apps and devices that is currently under design and testing phase.

Community building solution

Games, applications and events that create and foster communities. Our world is worryingly becoming more individualistic and isolated which creates an unhealthy future for people. We have decided to look at this social economic opportunity to make it easier to unite and help people connect on a deeper level with one another and create richer lives.

Lets start the conversation

Ready to transform? “There no time like the present for ACTION” as we say in 181 Media.