Digital Media Creations

Over the past decade we have created stunning digital media for some of the NZ and the world organisations. We have teamed up with a number of other creatives and collaborated with artist around the world and are proud to be a part of the Artachofa Art Collective.


The photo occurs in a when the spark of curiosity and excitement is sensed and then followed by the snap of the shutter. But a true photographer share the splendor with its audience.

Video Art

Nothing speaks and connects like moving images, emotions and sounds. A carefully crafted video can surpass a million words.

Digital Design

Endless design possibilities start with a single possibility that wants to expand further than ever before. Only when the creation is shared with the masses is when it is complete.


We have over 12,000 listed stock photographs that we have developed in the past two decades. We specialise in culture, tourism and event photography. If you like to know more please contact us with your requirements.

Video Art

Since 2011 we have produced over 150 hours of stock footage from around the world. We have a number or collaborators across the world and are able to manage the creative process for our clients.

We specialise  in culture and underwater videography.

Digital Design

What makes design so alluring? What caputers the attention of the audiance? Over the years we have studied and experimented with a number of techniques that have been proven to be sucessful and drive conversion rates for our clients. If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lets start the conversation

Ready to transform? “There no time like the present for ACTION” as we say in 181 Media.